okroginator Dec 16, 2009 22:11
asdhjdksl, crazy random has gone insane, naruto, sasuke, oh my god this, eeeeeehhhhhhhhh??????, best. destiny. ever., baaaaaaaaaaaw, spoilery, the power of youth explode, aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, uchihas are awesome sexay mindscrew, fandorking, derp derp derp, warning: brain-breakage, omnomnomnom, fangirling, inside your brain forever binky-boy, monocle sharingaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, this post needs a lot of tags, lol i can has villainy, yesssssssssss, ceiling!sasuke, epic win, geekery, being productive, sociology, very awesome want moar
okroginator Nov 14, 2009 16:37
video games, inside your brain forever binky-boy, nnnngh